Eagle Trust Oil and Gas Manpower Services
Eagle Trust provides a full manpower service to Oil & Gas Companies for both upstream and downstream Projects and Operations & Maintenance. Eagle Trust Manpower a specialized recruitment consultant dedicated to making every project successful by providing the right people at the right time for all the sectors of the oil & gas industry within the shortest time. Our extensive data- bank and wide-spread network enable us to meet all the staffing needs of the clients with professionalism. We have been the most trusted recruitment firm providing services to oil industry majors, both offshore and on-shore. Some of the popular oil and gas job profiles in the industry are as follows:
Trusted Oil and Gas Engineers
With the development of the oil & gas industry, engineer plays an important role in this trend Eagle Trust engineers have been trained at leading universities in Eagle Trust and received advanced technology in the world. Eagle Trust Manpower can provide some types of engineers in the oil & gas sector to meet the requirement of each stage in the oil and gas projects. Some types of oil and gas engineer Eagle Trust Manpower can supply are follows:
- Technical Manager
- Project Engineer
- Instrument & Control Engineer
- Structural Engineer
- H2S Engineer
- Petrochemical engineer
- HSE Engineer
- Mud Engineer / Drilling Fluids Engineer
- Safety engineer
- Technical Engineer
- Vietnam project engineer
Drilling Manpower
Drilling is one of the major sectors of the oil and gas service that we supply. Our drillers are responsible for moving, setting up and operating drilling rigs and related equipment to drill holes for mineral exploration. Drilling manpower from Eagle Trust Manpower is equipped well with high- qualification and many years of experience. Some main types of drilling workers Eagle Trust Manpower can recruit for you are below:
- Drilling foreman
- Drilling superintendent
- Driller/ assistant driller
- Deck supervisor
- Oil and Gas Surveyor
- Pump-man
- Roustabout
- Rig Mechanic
- Drilling technicians
Refining, Petrochemical and Oil Manpower
As the leading manpower recruitment agency in refinery process treatments, fuel additives, petrochemical processes, and oil services in Eagle Trust, we understand that refining and petrochemical operations are more challenging than ever. Therefore, we, Eagle Trust Manpower provide skilled and experienced oil and gas workers to help clients have the best human resource to meet the requirement of international growing demands. These are some types of workers in this sector:
- Oil Technical/ Storage Manager
- Mechanical Supervisor/Tech
- Pipeline Operator
- Refinery/Plant Operator
- Coil Tubing
- petrochemical and Oil Service Staffs
Production and Maintenance Manpower
In the oil & gas industry, production & maintenance is one of the important stages because this stage finishes the exploitation process and creating products. Therefore, manpower in this sector demands more knowledge about chemistry, technology, and operating machinery. With many years of recruitment experience, Eagle Trust Manpower always provides workers in the oil & gas industry with expert knowledge and high skill. We supply two main groups :
Production Manpower
- Production Technologist-
- Fracturing Operator-
- Gas Plant Operator-
- Wire line Operator
- Field Commissioning/SCADA)
Maintenance Manpower
- Maintenance Technician
- NDT Technician (Non Destructive technician)
- Field Commissioning Engineer
- Fracturing Operator
- Gas Plant Operator
- Production technologist
- Slick line Operator
- Wire line Operator
Why Choose Eagle Trust Oil & Gas Manpower
Every economy is based on one common factor and that is Oil and Gas. Oil and Gas is the prime determinant of the economic condition of any country. The world’s economy is directly related and influenced by the Oil and Gas industry and thereby Oil and Gas Manpower. Kuwait is one of the leading producers and exporter of oil and gas and it is still growing rapidly. Therefore, it creates a huge demand for skilled professionals for all the technical or non-technical work in oil and gas industry.
As there is an advancement in the oil and gas industry, the demand for professional employees is continuously increasing. It becomes difficult to find the right person for the position. Not only finding the right person is difficult but this process of hiring and recruiting is also very time-consuming.
This problem of meeting the demand is being solved by Manpower Supply Companies. These companies are emerging to provide every possible solution to the issue of manpower shortage which is directly related to the economy of Kuwait.
Manpower Supply Company is specialized in providing manpower related to oil and gas industry. We have a huge network of candidates for different profiles. The professionals that manpower Supply Company can provide to oil and gas industries are
- Contract Administrators
- Process Engineers
- DCS Operators
- Cost Controllers
- Design Engineers (all disciplines)
- Drilling Personnel
- Off Shore staff
- Draftsmen (all disciplines)
- Field Support Personnel
- Construction Staff
- Maintenance Personnel
- Logistics
- Operational Managers
- Pipeline Personnel
- Procurement Professionals
- Project Engineers (all disciplines)
- Planners and Schedulers
- Safety Personnel
- Technicians
- Supervisors
- Inspectors
- Operational Personnel
- Technical Helpers
- GPS Operator
- Drivers (with desert driving experience)
There are other positions as well for which we can provide the desired candidates. There are a number of Oil and Gas companies in Kuwait. If you are thinking about why you should hire our services, please have a look at the key benefits of hiring our services to get the best available Oil and Gas Manpower in Kuwait.
Oil and Gas industry is one of our areas of expertise. We at Eagle Trust Manpower Supply Company have more than 15 years of experience in providing manpower to the oil and gas sector. So we understand the needs of the oil and gas industry and provide the best quality of employees to this industry.
Save Time
Eagle Trust specializes in finding candidates for the oil and gas industry and takes much less time in the pre-hiring process than taken by any oil and gas company.
Eagle Trust provides human resources from all over the world and has a huge network of resources belonging to different countries.
Quality Workforce
Eagle trust Manpower Supply Company provides the quality and skilled manpower to the oil and gas industry. We look for the candidates who are skilled, motivated and are determined to work in deserts, snowfields, offshore and mountains.
The most important benefit of hiring Eagle Trust Manpower services is at a low cost/Price. As an oil and gas company has no need to spend a lot of money on the pre-hiring process. They can just outsource this task to a specialized oil & gas manpower supply company. As an expert in manpower supply in the oil and gas sector, Eagle Trust follows a detailed procedure to select the candidates. Below is the general procedure followed to recruit the skilled workforce by Eagle Trust Manpower Supply Company:
Detailed research of the client’s need
It is to be considered as one of the essential steps while looking for a candidate that is suitable for this process. The HR experts in the Eagle Trust Manpower Supply Company try to understand the roles and responsibilities for the required position. They also deep dive into the company’s business activities and work culture. This is all done to make sure that the candidates are up to the standards set by the oil and gas company.
Look for the ideal resource
Eagle Trust The different database is used in order to find suitable candidates and to shortlist the potential candidates. After going through their CVs and shortlisting them, the Eagle Trust team of experts takes a preliminary interview. Through this interview, they check the candidate’s qualifications, skills, competency, and experience.
Selection of the candidate
This step is taken to not to miss a single mismatch between the job profile and the experience and qualities of that candidate. After going through the screening process, our HR experts re-examine the candidates’ skills and competency, qualification, feedback from the previous company. In this step, from the already shortlisted candidates in the first step, further shortlisting is done to get the best out of the lot. Also then the manpower supply company negotiates so that a skilled and professional get the most competitive pay scale.
Applying for Visa
After the candidate selection, we will apply for their visas with Kuwait governmental departments.
This is the last stage of the whole process where communication or agreement is made between the Eagle Trust company and the candidate. An agreement letter is prepared and an offer letter is also prepared to be given to the candidate. The manpower supply company also helps the candidate in their documentation.
Finding the right Oil and Gas Manpower is a difficult and time-consuming process. There is an increasing amount of violence around us. to choose a manpower supply company. When you outsource this task you can save lots of time and resources and can focus on your business development. As an expert, we can perform this task in a much better way for you. So hire our services to get skilled, quality, and genuine manpower for your oil and gas company without any hassle.